General Report on Tunny

24W Page 130


(a) Elementary properties of the convergence of a rectangle.

Let the length of message be N.

Let the entry in the cell which is the ith row and jth column be θij.

If some value of δ is assumed then the odds that ΔΧ12 = dot in all (i,j) are where .

This is a trivial consequence of Bayes' theorem, if the message is assumed to contain no slide (see R3, p 130). Another way of stating the result is that the hypothesis ΔΧ12 = dot is Θij pips up, where a pip is 10log10ζ decibans. This enables one to regard the rectangle as an array of 1271 pieces of probability information, arranged in a convenient form for attempting to find the ΔΧ1 and ΔΧ2 patterns. We now give a description of methods used for doing this.

A partial wheel pattern can be regarded as a sequence of numbers, ε1, ε2 ,... each equal to ±1 or 0, where +1 stands for a dot and -1 for a cross and 0 for a doubt. The process of taking the pattern through the rectangle consists in forming scalar products


The numbers yi are then called the scores in pips of the characters of the other wheel.

In the original form of convergence one would take εj' = sign yj,
i.e. εj' = +1 if yj > 0
  εj' = -1 if yj < 0
  εj' =  0 if yj = 0

and take this wheel pattern back through the rectangles giving pippages

The resulting pattern is then taken back in a similar way, giving new values for yi and so on until the pattern on one side of the rectangle is the same twice running. The rectangle is then said to be converged (crudely). The result of the convergence may depend on the particular pattern with which the convergence is started. The sum of the moduli of the scores of one wheel is called X,X = Σ|xi|. This score is independent of which of the two wheels is used, when the convergence is completed, for

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